The New State of Side Channel Attacks

Written by:  Blair O’Toole  Technology Business Engineer  NET Xperts LLC I know we have all been bombarded with stories of the current fast-paced state of AI (artificial intelligence) and how it could impact the business world. Many ideas have been presented and explored, but I would like to talk about a more specific example of how this could affect network […]

Making a Cybersecurity House a Safe Home

Written by:  Joel Caskey  Cybersecurity Manager & Partner  NET Xperts LLC Greetings, Cybersecurity Superheroes! Throughout the month this month, we’ve talked about a few different concepts to strengthen your cybersecurity posture and to build and maintain that Cybersecurity House. This isn’t the full picture, but it gives you an idea of some of the basic concepts that you can do […]

Have a Solid Framework and Foundation

Written by:  Joel Caskey  Cybersecurity Manager & Partner  NET Xperts LLC Greetings, Cybersecurity Superheroes! Picture this for a moment – you’re relaxing in your Cybersecurity House, and you’ve implemented a lot of the concepts that we’ve already talked about. You feel safe and secure. Suddenly you’re attacked in your kitchen by a family of hornets. These hornets are just out […]

Fix These SMB Security Flaws Now

Written by: Mike Williams Client Services Coordinator NET Xperts LLC Are you an owner or an employee of a SMB? SMB stands for “Small to Medium-Sized Business” and generally applies to organizations with about 100 employees or less.  Just like larger companies, SMBs are at risk for data breaches and hacks. Understanding some basic security flaws is a great way […]

Limiting Human Error in Cybersecurity

Written by: Daniel Lange Technology Business Engineer NET Xperts LLC When we look at human error in the IT space, we find that often enough it is unintended, uneducated, or lack of action on the part of a company’s employees. This can be anything from not understanding the importance of a strong password to clicking on a malicious link on […]