Can An MSP Work with My Internal IT Team?

A Headshot of Joel CaskeyWritten by:

Joel Caskey
Sr. Technology Business Engineer
NET Xperts LLC

The concept of having a full-service Managed Services Provider (MSP) is a great fit for smaller businesses that aren’t quite large enough to justify a full-time IT staff. This concept, however, often gets overlooked in a medium-sized organization environment that has an internal IT team. Many internal IT teams are also a little fearful of Managed Services, thinking that programs like this may make them obsolete or unnecessary.

I want to clear up a common fallacy here – while working with a full-service MSP is great for small businesses, they are also a great supplement and partner to an internal IT team.

Oftentimes in medium-sized business environments, the common maintenance items get overlooked, typically due to lack of time and other priorities. I also like to use the quote “you don’t know what you don’t know”. Sometimes an internal IT team will get so focused on their environment that they get stuck in the “bubble effect”, where they don’t advance their knowledge on things that are outside of their network bubble.

Partnering with an MSP will help any business with planning and keeping up on the latest trends because you have seasoned professionals on your team. MSPs are up on the latest security trends, best practice changes, and technology trends. They take care of those pesky maintenance items on a regular basis, which patches the holes in your environment that may have gotten pushed to the back burner due to other projects or requests. They also can be an additional escalation resource for those problems that require a bit more attention and expertise. Partner all of that with proactive monitoring of your equipment, and it gives your IT team the resources and time that they need to focus on advancing your network to the next level of service.

As you can see, there are many benefits to having a Managed Services Provider on your team, no matter the size of your business. While some may be more involved from a service standpoint, an MSP can custom tailor how much they can help, whether it’s just to take care of the maintenance and monitoring, or a full escalation and IT management resource. Partnering with an MSP is not just for businesses without their own internal team – it can benefit your internal team as well!

Call NET Xperts today at 412.244.NETX (6389) for more information on how we can assist your internal IT team!

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