Cybersecurity Super Hero Quiz

Joel CaskeyWritten by:

Joel Caskey
Cybersecurity Manager & Partner
NET Xperts LLC

As many of you may know (or maybe you don't, but you're about to find out), October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month.  As a cybersecurity specialist, every month is Cybersecurity Awareness Month in my world. Nevertheless, I'm excited to share some different things throughout the month to help you become more versed, better trained, and more aware of your cybersecurity.

Throughout the month, I'll be covering various topics that will help you better protect yourself in the digital world- both personally and professionally.  Hopefully, you'll find that you're already doing many of the items that I mention, but I also hope that you are able to take some of the things that you are going to learn from me this month to give yourself a "cybersecurity wellness check" and improve that cybersecurity score.

For fun, I thought it would be a good idea to put together a small game.  Let's see where you score on the Cybersecurity Super Hero scale.  I'm going to run through a list of items below.  Select all that apply to you.

Select all that apply to you: